Sweden and Brazil have a long and profound bilateral relation. The relationship with Brazil is highly prioritized by the Swedish government. The two countries share core values and collaborate, both bilaterally and in international forums, promoting themes as democracy and sustainable development. Brazil is Sweden’s largest trade partner in Latin America and by far biggest export market in the region. Over 200 Swedish companies are present in Brazil and they employ around 70.000 people and have revenue of 130 billion SEK.

In recent years, the Gripen fighter jet program has reinforced this partnership and has produced broader results beyond the area of defense equipment. Sweden and Brazil have also joined forces into an innovative partnership with several new opportunities for scientific cooperation. There are good prospects for further deepening on the strategic partnership, not only in terms of digitalization and automation but also in urban development, mining, sustainable forestry, ICT and health.

We value our frequent dialogue on bilateral relations, both in the political and commercial fields. We also have the ambition to reinforce our cooperation in various multilateral forums on democracy respect, human rights, the rule of law, sustainable development and science. We still have a lot to learn from each other. That is why we enthusiastically promote the Sweden-Brazil Innovation Weeks, an event that has already become a tradition and has strengthened our partnership and work towards sustainable development, which is positive both for our countries and for citizens.

Click here to access the Sweden-Brazil Economic Milestones Timeline.