Biogás – Smart City Sweden

Biogás – Smart City Sweden

1 • Welcome and introduction, Swedish Ambassador Johanna Brismar Skoog, (the subject, the set up
and the intention – 5 minutes);

2 • The role of CIBIOGÁS (Mr. Rafael Gonzalez, director president of CIBIOGÁS / 5 minutes);

3. The Brazilian biogas industry scenario: Legislation, current situation and different ways of biogas
exploitation (Mr. Felipe Marques – Technology director of CIBIOGÁS / 10 minutes);

4. Biogas cases in the state of Paraná and Credit lines for biogas plants in Brazil (Mrs. Daiana Martinez
– Coordinator of Engineering and knowledge Transfer at CIBiogás / 10 minutes);

5. Smart City Sweden intro (5 minutes);

6. How does a municipality promote biogas development? How does a biogas plant work in Sweden?
Johan Böök, Tekniska Verken, Linköping (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A).
FIKA BREAK (10 minutes)

7. Study on Biogas potential in Brazil (10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
Linköping University;

8. International cooperation in biogas projects (10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
“Circular economy, varieties of capitalism and technology diffusion: anaerobic digestion in Sweden
and Paraná” / BRC -Biogas Research Center; Prof. Thomas Magnusson and Hanna Zanatta (research

9. What can Smart City Sweden offer in the future (5 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A)
Aditi Bhasin, Smart City Sweden;

10. The use of biogas for public transportation (Mr. Gustavo Bonini, SCANIA Latin America - 5

11. Biogas collaboration between Brazil and Sweden (Mrs. Pricila Carmo, Business Sweden - 5

12. Summary and close of webinar by the Embassy of Sweden (Trade counsellor, Mr. Jonas Montpaz);
Q & A s: 30 – 40 minutes long.

Foto: Ulf Grünbaum/

The event is finished.


quinta-feira 11 nov 2021
Evento passado


09:00 - 12:00

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Embaixada da Suécia em Brasília


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